Chattanooga Church of God 7th Day is a Christ-centered, evangelical, Sabbath-observing, Spirit-filled, Bible-based congregation of believers. We are located in Chattanooga, Tennessee and we are affiliated with the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), headquartered in Denver, Colorado. To learn more, visit the General Conference website at cog7.org

Come join us!
We exist as a local congregation to provide believers a place to worship corporately, fellowship with other believers, grow spiritually toward maturity, serve others, and learn how to witness to our world of Jesus Christ and his plan of salvation.

We Believe!
The Church of God (Seventh Day) believes that...

  • The Bible is the dependable and authoritative Word of God.
  • God the Father is the almighty Creator and loving Provider, eternal King and Judge of the universe.
  • Jesus Christ, the preexistent Son of God, is the Savior, Lord and eternal Redeemer of all who believe.
  • The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in believers. It convicts, converts, teaches truth, prompts obedience, bears fruit, distributes gifts, and empowers believers to witness.
  • Humans are sinners by birth and choice.
  • Salvation is the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.  It is a gift of God's grace that is achieved by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and is personally received by faith. Saving faith includes repentance, which activates obedience and good works, motivated by love, and produced by the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus Christ will return from heaven at the end of this age. The dead will be raised from their sleep in the grave, and all human beings will be judged according to their works. The righteous will be given immortality to live forever with the Lord; the wicked will be completely consumed in the lake of fire. There will be a new heaven and a new earth as the home of the redeemed for all eternity.

There's a place for you here! 

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